Flax seeds have many benefits for the body. This is why Quintesens uses linseed oil in its blends, particularly for its contribution of Omega-3, a fatty acid essential to the proper functioning of our body. Flaxseeds contain many virtues.
Little used in cooking, flax seeds nevertheless have many benefits which tend to put this super-seed back in the spotlight. Considered a natural medicine, flax also has the advantage of being ecological since its cultivation does not require fertilizers or pesticides.
We tell you all about these little seeds and their benefits.
Today grown almost everywhere where there is a temperate or tropical climate, flax is a plant that has its origins in Eurasia. If its use for its textile fibers is well known to the general public, this is not necessarily the case for its oilseeds which, however, contain many substances essential to the body.
Starting with selenium and vitamins B9 or even calcium, the consumption of 100 grams of flax seeds constitutes a significant contribution to daily needs.
Better yet, eating 100 grams of flax seeds provides the body with all of its daily needs in fiber, manganese and iron for adult men and postmenopausal women.
Finally, flaxseeds are also an important source of omega-3. These essential fatty acids are not synthesized by the body. It is therefore necessary to add it daily to our diet in order to avoid any deficiencies. By consuming two tablespoons of flax seeds every day, our body receives the recommended nutritional intake of omega-3.
An omega-3 deficiency can have unfortunate consequences for our health, ranging from fatigue to cardiovascular disorders and depression. At Quintesens, we take seriously the problems of omega-3 deficiency which affect many French people today. This is why we use flaxseed oil in the mixture of our health oils , which is one of the oils richest in Omega-3.

Flaxseeds have many benefits which make them a real natural medicine against everyday ailments.
Be careful, however, to consume them according to the rules of the art in order to avoid any inconvenience.
In fact, it is important not to consume whole flax seeds because our stomach is not able to dissolve the seed coat! Consuming them in this way would therefore deprive us of all the virtues of this super-seed.
First of all, they help limit the risks of breast cancer. Indeed, these seeds are rich in lignans, phytoestrogens which reduce the risk of the disease appearing.
Flaxseeds are also a valuable ally for maintaining the cardiovascular system.
This is explained by the presence in these seeds of antioxidant phytosterols which promote the reduction of bad cholesterol as well as that of blood pressure. In the same vein, the Omega-3 contained in flax seeds helps reduce the risk of heart attack. Omega-3 which will also promote cell renewal and in fact make flax seeds an anti-aging food.
Another part of the body and another positive effect of flax seeds: the fight against constipation.
Thanks to their high fiber content, they have a beneficial effect on transit. Fibers which also have satiating properties useful as part of a slimming diet. In this case, it is important to consume flax seeds as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Also note that flax seeds can be extremely useful for vegetarians. Indeed, thanks to their iron and protein content, they help avoid certain deficiencies.
Same observation for pregnant women since flax seeds provide an appreciable quantity of vitamin B9, essential to limit the risk of malformations of the nervous system in the fetus as well as to ensure the good development of the brain of the unborn baby.
Flaxseeds therefore have serious advantages for establishing themselves over the long term in our diet and in our daily lives. It is possible to consume them crushed, crushed, ground and even in infusion .
Increasingly present in recipes for breads, cakes or tarts, they allow you to add a little texture to your dishes. It is also possible to use them to sprinkle a salad or in the form of oil to benefit from their omega-3. However, it is not recommended to consume more than two tablespoons per day.
If you are looking for ideas on how to consume flax seeds, find the recipe for our fruit yum right here .